My HeyDay

Sometimes I think it is my mission to bring faith to the faithless, and doubt to the faithful

American Lifestyle

Why do you need real friends, if you have a bunch of colleagues in the net?

I don't share the title of that pic. I don't believe in the US concept of "Loser", but it's kinda sad to find nice people together, silent, looking at their screens. That quest for interestingness and entertainment in their laptops is surprising, because maybe the guy or the girl to the left is someone worthy to meet.

By the way, have you realized about the high proportion of Mac users that this country has? Mac laptops are basically overpriced, cute, status-enhancing computers. You can find better deals on the PC world for sure. But that's America, guys. Why do people here buy SUVs and other gas-inefficient überhuge cars? Because they are overpriced, cute* AND status-enhancing stuff.

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4 Responses to “American Lifestyle”

  1. # Blogger Xavi Menós

    Ai, jo el que no suporto es que els yankees vagin a classe amb els portàtils i enlloc de prendre apunts contestin e-mails :D  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Parece que el cambio climático, cambiará en pocos años la vida de todos. Eso incluirá la suya, ellos que creen estar siempre en otro planeta y supongo que a veces lo están. Probablemente sus coches cambiarán, cambiarán sus costumbres y hasta cambiarán a Bush. Esto último quizás pronto. El resto, poco a poco. No hace falta ser profeta para saberlo: hasta el propio emperador comienza a reconocerlo...  

  3. # Blogger Alex Guerrero

    That post sound a bit like Anti-American, and it is not that at all. It's just to underline the differences between two cultures. But we have in Spain a lot of stuff to be ashamed, as well.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Suponía que la tuya era un poco la mirada del sociólogo, universitario, crítico, parece que todo va unido. El que resaltes algunas cosas llamativas o que chocan con el punto de vista europeo no debería hacer de ti un 'invitado' desagradecido. Y las cosas malas de España no esperas leerlas en algo que se titula 'American lifestyle'.Digo yo.  

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