My HeyDay

Sometimes I think it is my mission to bring faith to the faithless, and doubt to the faithful

Running for the Presidential Elections 2008

After some speculation, the Spanish-born political scientist Alejandro A. Guerrero announced his candidacy for the 2008 elections.


1) The Congress façade will be painted in Orange

2) "No Squirrel Left Behind" Act. Every squirrel deserves a nut

3) Trans-fat will be inoculated on green peas, to make them tastier

4) Abolition of Fahrenheit system and the ounces system. Those systems will be replaced by: "Warmer" /"colder" or "a lot" / "a bit", respectively

5) More cookies in every office.

6) Abolition of Starbucks. Traditional European cafés will be built across the nation. Minimum time in every café: 30 mins.

7) Green measures: abolition of paper glasses for coffee. Porcelain cups will be used, instead, just like in the rest-of-the-world.

8) Siesta time compulsory from 2.30 to 3.15. A glass of milk and a cookie may be consumed previous to this.

9) Wages will be indexed with the tidal cycle of the seas.

10) Fox will be nationalized and substituted by Youtube.

You can send your contributions to the National Bureau for Supporting Dadaism in America (NBSDA)

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3 Responses to “Running for the Presidential Elections 2008”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Por fin un político que no tiene miedo a la palabra "nacionalizar"

    ¡Tendrás mi voto!  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ALEX FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A ver si en el presupuesto te queda algo para que monte un par de explotaciones ecologicas para embutidos de pata negra.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Muy bueno Alex! Apoyo la nuez para las ardillas... DC tiene mas ardillas que gente, asi que ellas son las dueñas de la ciudad


    Javi U  

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