Alex goes to the Tropics (again)...
2 Comments Posted by Alex Guerrero on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 9:57 AM.

In a week, I'll be landing in San Salvador for a month adventure. I am supposed to work in two projects for a small non-profit in San Salvador (El Salvador) and La Ceiba (Honduras). In between, I'll have to travel through both countries, stop in Tegucigalpa, meet the people from the Spanish official cooperation, flight to La Ceiba, work on the project, and visit the Islands of the Bay (aka Roatán) in the weekends. During my time in El Salvador, we'll design a project to build a school to train unemployed low-income women expelled from the Maquilas (sweat-shops), and in Honduras we'll write a proposal to gain funds for micro-lending to poor women who want to run their own business in order to sustain their families. It's amazing how women and their perseverance have been, so frequently, the mortar of survival in our societies.
As the departure day gets closer, this adventure it's increasingly enticing me for many reasons -a real opportunity to help and travel- but particularly cuz I'll be able to escape from DC, its dramas and people. I need to detox from this local culture of blind career-building, super-egos and unleashed ambitions, and reconnect with the simple things in life that should guide human dreams and humble ambitions. The proximity of others, the sense of doing the right thing, the relaxation of the Latin American soul, manifested everywhere in smiles, songs, hugs, tastes and their friendliness, and yes, the warm, warm sun.
As the departure day gets closer, this adventure it's increasingly enticing me for many reasons -a real opportunity to help and travel- but particularly cuz I'll be able to escape from DC, its dramas and people. I need to detox from this local culture of blind career-building, super-egos and unleashed ambitions, and reconnect with the simple things in life that should guide human dreams and humble ambitions. The proximity of others, the sense of doing the right thing, the relaxation of the Latin American soul, manifested everywhere in smiles, songs, hugs, tastes and their friendliness, and yes, the warm, warm sun.
So yes, I'm almost ready to go.

Hola, no nos conocemos, sigo tu blog hace ya un tiempo, ni recuerdo como llegué. Tu(s) último(s) post(s)... dan ganas de comentar(los), claro: 1)Llama la atención la descripción que haces de la atmósfera que dejas (atrás). Me dan ganas de preguntar pero me quedo con ellas; 2) Sí, tienes razón, lo mejor de 'planificar' es que luego se acaba 'improvisando'... mucho mejor; 3) Tú último post me costó más de entender que el resto(¿será por mi inglés?)... esperaremos a la versión definitiva (¿la habrá?), supongo que a tú vuelta; Y 4) Mira, saber que hay gente capaz de dejar 'sus vidas' (aunque sea temporalmente) para hacer cosas como las que cuentas pone de buen humor... así que me voy a tomar una cerveza a tu salud esta noche. Nada más. Por la fecha de hoy, diría que ya estás de viaje y 'off-line'. Anyway, buen viaje y buena suerte!
Gracias. Siempre creí que hay que escuchar a lo que piensan los desconocidos, y desde luego me has subido un montón el ánimo que te tomaras una cerveza a mi salud! Me tomaré otra por ti yo mañana.
Abrazos desde San Salvador, un poquito tarde.