Latin America: there we go!!! (again)
5 Comments Posted by Alex Guerrero on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 5:13 PM.

(español más abajo)
For academic reasons, I´m leaving two weeks to Brazil and Peru to interview some government officials. As we say in Spanish, "I don´t fit inside myself" about how exciting is the idea of going there. Lima, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro are the next destinations, and I will have the chance of meeting again very good friends after a while. I promise to keep posting pictures on the road!
Por razones académicas, estaré dos semanas viajando por Brasil y Perú a entrevistar a cargos de esos gobiernos. Y como solemos decir, "no quepo en mi mimmo". Ir a Brasil era un sueño pendiente en todas las listas, desde hace 6 años. Así que la idea de parar por Lima, Brasilia y Río de Janeiro, aunque incluya un poco de carga académica, me parece increíble. ¡Prometo fotos!
For academic reasons, I´m leaving two weeks to Brazil and Peru to interview some government officials. As we say in Spanish, "I don´t fit inside myself" about how exciting is the idea of going there. Lima, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro are the next destinations, and I will have the chance of meeting again very good friends after a while. I promise to keep posting pictures on the road!
This single was written for my scholarship program's advertisement on TV, but I really love the song. Here I share it:
Indeed, I really feel admiration of all those people who volunteer to help others. My mother is one of those persons being helped by initially anonymous persons, and, well, sometimes this kind of uninterested love for others, empathy, and willingness to help the people in despair or loneliness is just like a miracle in our capitalist all-consumerist societies. We need more people like this (and better social policies as well!).
Indeed, I really feel admiration of all those people who volunteer to help others. My mother is one of those persons being helped by initially anonymous persons, and, well, sometimes this kind of uninterested love for others, empathy, and willingness to help the people in despair or loneliness is just like a miracle in our capitalist all-consumerist societies. We need more people like this (and better social policies as well!).
Labels: Musica y Artes
"A menudo me he tenido que comer mis propias palabras, y he descubierto que eran una dieta equilibrada"
Labels: Querido Diario