I have been testing my new strategy for a week, and it works fabulously: welcome to my own imaginary time. I moved a clock two hours later than the real time, and now I feel comfortable with those things:
a) I wake up at 0700am but my clock says 0900. I usually think: "wow, I have slept a lot today!"
b) At 1200pm I'm really hungry (my watch says 0200pm).
c) I don't feel strange eating at 0630pm (0830pm in my imaginary time).
d) And I feel like tired at 1100pm (0100am)
Stupid, uh? But as stupid as it looks, it works pretty well for me. I think I doubled my productivity in the last week, and now I'm almost the first in getting into the department or leaving it. Try it!
Labels: Querido Diario
That's a great idea. Does it really work? However, I normally have lunch around 1.30pm. There are more Spanish people here in Santa Bárbara. And the dinning time... also "spanish", at 9.30-10pm. That's what I often do when I am abroad. I have lunch a little earlier than in Spain (but no so much earlier as the local people do) and have dinner at the normal Spanish time.
Regards from the Pacific Coast.
nen ho hauré d'intentar perque jo encara no he aconseguit cap coherència amb el meu horari....més aviat podriem dir que no tinc horari! ho intentaré!
m'encanta la idea!
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