Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Life should be limited to eating Garifuna's rice dishes, feeling the sunset breeze of the Caribbean under a beach hut, sipping the sweet taste of rum, listening to the stories of new fathers or mothers about their 3 years old children, or the seagulls heading to the port, or the latin music coming from the next beach bar some meters away, or the awesome silent under a sky full, full of stars, or just the waves at night...

No more, no less...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    You read Dr. Clement's Guazapa. I like you. How are things with the FMLN's-victory I wonder? Besides the rampant violence, have you notice the Environmental chaos everywhere? Ironic, no drinking water for hamlets but enough for the water parks!

    Stay Alive Down There!
